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Manchester & London Solicitors


Long Term Work Visas

Skilled Worker Visa

Skilled Worker Visa Solicitors in Manchester and London with expert knowledge of UK Visas

The Skilled Worker visa is available for certain occupations under the points-based system, for any individual who obtains sponsorship from a UK employer looking to fill a long-term skilled position.

However, the UK has a skills shortage in the following sectors (updated 15 February 2022):

Occupation codeJob types
1181Health services and public health managers and directors – all jobs
1242Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors – all jobs
2111Chemical scientists – only jobs in the nuclear industry (Scotland only)
2112Biological scientists and biochemists – all jobs
2113Physical scientists – only the following jobs in the construction-related ground engineering industry:
engineering geologist
2113Physical scientists – only the following jobs in the oil and gas industry:
technical services manager in the decommissioning and waste areas of the nuclear industry
senior resource geologist and staff geologist in the mining sector
2114Social and humanities scientists – only archaeologists
2121Civil engineers – all jobs
2122Mechanical engineers – all jobs
2123Electrical engineers – all jobs
2124Electronics engineers – all jobs
2126Design and development engineers – all jobs
2127Production and process engineers – all jobs
2129Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified – all jobs
2135IT business analysts, architects and systems designers – all jobs
2136Programmers and software development professionals – all jobs
2137Web design and development professionals – all jobs
2139Information technology and communications professionals not elsewhere classified – only cyber security specialists
2216Veterinarians – all jobs
2425Actuaries, economists and statisticians – only bio-informaticians and informaticians
2431Architects – all jobs
2461Quality control and planning engineers – all jobs
3111Laboratory technicians – all jobs
3411Artists – all jobs
3414Dancers and choreographers – only skilled classical ballet dancers or skilled contemporary dancers who meet the standard required by internationally recognised UK ballet or contemporary dance companies.
The company must be endorsed as being internationally recognised by a UK industry body such as the Arts Councils (of England, Scotland or Wales).
3415Musicians – only skilled orchestral musicians who are leaders, principals, sub-principals or numbered string positions, and who meet the standard required by internationally recognised UK orchestras.
The orchestra must a full member of the Association of British Orchestras.
3416Arts officers, producers and directors – all jobs
3421Graphic designers – all jobs
5215Welding trades – only high integrity pipe welders, where the job requires 3 or more years’ related on-the-job experience. This experience must not have been gained through illegal working
6145Care workers and home carers – private households or individuals (other than sole traders sponsoring someone to work for their business) cannot sponsor Skilled Worker applicants.
6146Senior care workers – all jobs



  • Can stay up to 5 years before you need to extend your visa
  • Can apply to extend your visa as many times as you like
  • Can apply for Indefinite to Remain after 5 years
  • Can apply for a visa up to 3 months before the day you are due to start work in the UK
  • Can get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks if you apply inside the UK or 8 weeks if you apply from outside the UK
  • Can work in an eligible job
  • Can study
  • Can bring your family with you
  • Can take on additional work in certain circumstances
  • Can do voluntary work
  • Can travel abroad and return to the UK


  • You must meet the validity, suitability, eligibility requirements for Skilled Worker 
  • You must have a confirmed job offer
  • You must work for an approved UK employer
  • You must have a certificate of sponsorship
  • You must be taking up a job in one of the eligible occupations
  • You must be paid a minimum salary
  • You must meet the English language requirement
  • You must have at least £1,270 in your bank account to show you can support yourself in the UK

The exact requirements will vary depending on your circumstances.

How we can help

At Monarch Solicitors, we can help you prepare your application and ensure all the criteria are met. This can include preparing a sponsorship licence for your employer if they do not already have one.

Contact Our Skilled Worker Visa Solicitors

We would like to discuss your Skilled Worker Visa requirements directly to find out how we can help.

Please contact our immigration team by sending an email to us at [email protected] and one of our solicitors shall call you back. 

Alternatively, please call our immigration solicitors on 0330 127 8888 for a free no-obligation discussion.

Monarch Solicitors are a leading UK law firm and our award-winning Manchester solicitors, London solicitors and Birmingham solicitors offer their legal expertise nationally and internationally.

We are also able to leverage an international network spanning across Hong Kong, Turkey and Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Courts to provide seamless assistance with cross-border matters relating to Skilled Worker visas.

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Most frequent questions and answers

A worker who is on a skilled worker visa can stay in the UK for up to 5 years before having to get their visa extended.

There is no limit to the number of times you can extend your skilled worker visa provided you still meet the requirements of the visa, if the worker decides to change their sponsor or job they must apply for a new period of leave.  

With a Skilled Worker visa you can: apply to settle permanently in the UK also known as “indefinite leave to remain.” Once you have stayed in the UK for 5 years your visa will run out if you meet all the eligibility requirements.

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